Serbia in the Era of Digital Diplomacy
Social media users in Serbia were witnessing the intensity of the #NoKosovoUnesco campaign, which was led in parallel to the Kosovo institutions’ campaign #KosovoUnesco on the very eve of the…
Povezujemo svet diplomatije sa svetom tehnologije 🌐
Social media users in Serbia were witnessing the intensity of the #NoKosovoUnesco campaign, which was led in parallel to the Kosovo institutions’ campaign #KosovoUnesco on the very eve of the…
Digitalna revolucija munjevitom brzinom udara u temelje konzervativnog poimanja diplomatije. Sve više svetskih lidera, vlada, predsedništava i ministarstava zaduženih za spoljne poslove se, prateći trendove, seli na društvene mreže. Kakva…